Feb 2, 2022
Ron LeGrand talks about how he prefers using creative financing terms on the purchase and sale to minimize risk and maximize profit. As a bonus, Ron teaches us how to deal with trespassers using only a 5 gallon bucket.
The REIClub podcast is produced for real estate investors looking to...
Jan 31, 2022
The REIClub podcast is produced for real estate investors looking to get started or get better. We bring you interviews with the biggest names in the business, tips you can use, and answers to your questions. Send your questions to george@reiclub.com for a chance to be featured on an episode!
Jan 26, 2022
Lou Brown has some breaking news about material prices in 2022, straight from the manufacturers. But he's just the messenger so let's not be too hard on him. He's also giving us a free copy of his new book called "Buy, Hold, Sell" that will help you deal with inflation the street smart way.
Jan 24, 2022
Joe McCall, the master of Lease Options, talking about his unlikely journey into real estate and what his keys to success were.
- What Joe did before becoming a real estate guru
- How his first experience with REI became a nightmare
- The secret trait his most successful students share
The REIClub podcast is produced...